Thursday, August 27, 2020
What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Essay Example
What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex Paper Question # 1 What job do sets of responsibilities play in preparing at Apex? Answer: Job portrayals set the limits of occupations as far as required information and abilities. It is a depiction of the assignment in altering the constraints of work in wording with the important information and aptitudes. By understanding the expected set of responsibilities, a coach can characterize the learning prerequisites or the material necessities for new or changing representatives. The focal issue is that Jim Delaney, leader of the Apex Door Company, can't get his workers to do explicit undertakings without failing. The reasons for the focal issue are that when representatives dont get something. These issues come in front us obviously when it says about bosses that â€Å"decide to do it their own way†. Here we obviously investigate the lacking of Appex Door Company not to having a through rule or set of working responsibilities about the activity they are doing. Peak Door Company without a doubt has a set of working responsibilities however it is most likely outdated or not refreshed consistently. On the off chance that in this way, at that point the workers ought to remain product of limit the utilization of steel in uber developments size as it won't just limit the measure of steel yet in addition increment the net benefit for Apex Door Company The job of expected set of responsibilities of Apex Door Company ought to be clear, univocal and normally cheeked to fulfill the most recent market need in snappiest time with least cost. Elective arrangements are that each activity has an instructional pamphlet, and that new state-of-the-art sets of expectations be composed. Question # 3 Explain in detail what you would do to improve the preparation procedure at Apex. Make a point to give explicit proposals. We will compose a custom article test on What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on What Role Do Job Descriptions Play in Training at Apex explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Answer: After exploring the case it’s without a doubt that Appex Door Company must remake their preparation procedure to defeat their issues. A formal (composed) and refreshed Job depiction: The workers of Appex Door Company â€Å"decide to do it their own way†which is a significant downside for this organization. As by this view a representative will never encouraged what he ought to do and how the increase of organization will augment. A composed rule won't just help to do as such yet make bound to do what is Appex Door Company requested him to do as such. A downside of expected set of responsibilities is that it is viable temporarily period. To defeat this Appex the executives ought to routinely refresh their Job depiction Creating Appropriate Training: Job depiction won't be adequate to develop the worker except if the train up to do as such. The traing ought not be given heedlessly which was done in past by giving ex managers. In the event that it’s unrealistic without anyone else, at that point they ought to bring out master from outside to guarantee the most fitting and successful preparing for Appex bosses and this Training techniques would be recorded for each position of the organization Regulate the preparation procedure: For Appex Door Company the preparation procedure will help with three angles. The chief (proprietors of Appex Door Company) Preparing Department (coach) Imminent learners (representatives) The proprietors of Appex Door Company will manage the whole errand through mentor. What's more, in the wake of preparing they should gauge either the preparation was compelling or not and afterward take further activities.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fourth Grade Essay Samples
Fourth Grade Essay SamplesWhen it comes to essay writing, most students take what you say for granted; yet they do not expect to encounter Fourth grade essay samples that are prepared by a college student! Teachers should be the first to recognize when you are taking this for granted and your willingness to improve your grades is on the table. Now how can you use this particular benefit?Using an essay as a sample is a good way to express your thoughts and ideas. You can start to get a hang of what each step requires. It helps you to see the important points of a topic and where you are able to discuss them. Plus it makes it easier to go over what you have written and revise.Next, if you are having difficulty with writing an essay due to a lack of time, perhaps you can find essay samples for your learning purposes. Summer is the time when most students tend to learn new skills and techniques. Take the time to look at what you know and what you don't. Then try to improve on areas you k now you need to focus on.In the summer section of your class, you can work on your essay with little or no supervision from your instructor. This is an excellent opportunity to hone in on the most important aspects of your lesson. So, if you can't manage your own essay for your next class, consider using a prepared essay. It's the perfect idea for a short-term lesson.Additionally, it is best to utilize essay samples written by a summer student. The writer may not even be a student and therefore they may not possess the same standards of grammar and punctuation that you do. If you were an experienced writer, you could expect a high grade for a perfectly written essay, but a student may not. If this happens, you may well be able to breathe a sigh of relief as you can still have a very high grade without any embarrassing mistakes.Another reason you should use essay samples prepared by summer students is that most of the time, essays are about subjects that are in your area of interest. It is usually very easy to find things that you can write about. In some cases, it will take time to find something specific that you can devote much time to.Finally, it is an extremely valuable experience. It is such a unique type of assignment, it is one of the best reasons to use essays by summer students. If you are looking for a way to jump-start your writing skills or improve your mastery of the craft, then this experience is perfect.As long as you are using your essay on a specific topic, this experience will help you develop your skill set by sharpening the skills you will need for your other writing assignments. You can also use it as a way to learn more about your subject.
Friday, August 21, 2020
College Application Essay Topics
College Application Essay TopicsCollege application essays are designed to let admissions officers know what you are about and what kind of person you are. Although most people do not make it into college, some do. You have the chance to be one of those people who get in. You must make a good impression on your college admissions officer.As with most things, there are more college application essay topics than there are types of students. Most colleges accept both gifted and average students. Therefore, if you are gifted, you need to write your essay on that topic, but for average students, your topic should be about an area where you excel. It can be about anything - athletics, interests, hobbies, or study habits.It is a good idea to research the types of students that a college wants to admit before you begin writing your college application essay topics. You can find this information in several places. Your school counselor can provide you with the needed information, as can a loc al college search engine.A good essay topic does not always have to be about a certain subject. Rather, it can be about being smart, caring, responsible, or creative.The topics you should write about in your college application essays are commonly called 'key' topics. College admissions officers prefer them to be topical topics. They want to know that you studied the key issue and what you learned from it.The topics you should include in your college application essays are an easy thing to come up with, but you must remember that this is not all that you can do. These are primarily the three areas that admissions officers will consider when judging your application. There are many other points of interest to add to this list. Still, this is the best place to start.College application essay topics are easy to compose, but can be complex to compose. You must remember that the points that you are trying to communicate are too important to rush through. You can begin to compose your col lege application essay topics before you begin your research, so that you only focus on what is important.College application essay topics can be very time consuming and difficult. However, they are an important step in the college admissions process. Write one for each college essay you are writing. Then use the points you learned from those topics in other essays.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Earthquakes Essay examples - 663 Words
What is an Earthquake? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;An Earthquake is the shaking of the earths surface caused by rapid movement of the earths rocky outer layer. The sudden shaking of the ground that occurs when masses of rock change position below the Earths surface is called an earthquake. The shifting masses send out shock waves that may be powerful enough to alter the surface of the Earth, thrusting up cliffs and opening great cracks in the ground. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Earthquakes, called temblors by scientists, occur almost continuously. Fortunately, most of them can be detected only by sensitive instruments called seismographs. Others are felt as small tremors. Some of the rest, however, cause major catastrophes. They†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Although it is certain that violent Earth tremors in themselves are destructive, there are often other kinds of Earth movements that are triggered by earthquake shock waves. Thus, the violent shaking that accompanies many earthquakes often causes rockslides, snow avalanches, and landslides. In some areas these events are frequently more devastating than the Earth tremor itself. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Floods and fires are also caused by earthquakes. Floods arise from tsunamis along coast lines, from large-scale seiches in enclosed bodies of water such as lakes and canals, and from the failure of dams. Fire produced the greatest property loss following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, when 521 blocks in the city center burned uncontrollably for three days. Fire also followed the 1923 Tokyo earthquake, causing much damage and hardship for the citizens. Causes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Most of the worst earthquakes are associated with changes in the shape of the Earths outermost shell, particularly the crust. These so called tectonic earthquakes are generated by the rapid release of strain energy that is stored within the rocks of the crust, which on continents is about 22 miles thick. A small proportion of earthquakes are associated with human activity. Dynamite or atomic explosions, for example, can sometimes cause mild quakes. The injection of liquid wastes deep into the Earth and the pressuresShow MoreRelatedEarthquake : Earthquakes And Earthquakes Essay1854 Words  | 8 PagesEarthquake is defined as â€Å" a series of vibrations induced in the earth s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.†in In other word earthquake is crust release energy caused by shaking and plate tectonics are suddenly move.It may cause people injuryed and economic losses. Earth s surface crust is called lithosphere. The earth s crust ruptured by the force of dislocation caused by rapid surface vibrations called seismicRead MoreEarthquake Of The Sichuan Earthquake1203 Words  | 5 PagesThe Sichuan Earthquake also known as Wenchuan Earthquake occurred on May 12th, 2008. The horrific earthquake was located in the mountainous dominant region of Sichuan, south-western China. The earthquake was measured to have a magnitude of 8.0 by the Chinese. The quake affected four-fifths of the buildings located in the area. Towns, villages and schools had collapsed and had been destroyed. Close to 90,000 people were tallied as missing or dead. The Chinese Government report stated that more thanRead MoreAn Earthquake Of The Francisco Earthquake984 Words  | 4 Pages21 October 2015 1906 San Francisco Earthquake An earthquake is the vibration of the Earth produced by the rapid release of energy. Most earthquakes occur at a plate boundary, usually along the Circum-Pacific belt. They tend to be caused by the slippage along large fracture in the Earth’s crust, such as a fault for example. However, they can also occur from a volcanic eruption, or an atomic explosion. There are two different types of shocks to a major earthquake; there is a foreshock and an aftershockRead MoreEarthquakes : Volcanoes And Earthquakes1313 Words  | 6 PagesVolcanoes and Earthquakes are Sisters, Not Twins Volcanoes and Earthquakes are two of the most intriguing natural disasters that can occur on earth. Unlike hurricanes and tornadoes, they can awaken at almost any point in time throughout the year. These two natural disasters are also different from others because they occur on the layers of the earth itself. Volcanoes, while large to us, are actually small, conical patches of earth that spurt and ooze hot molten lava from the core, and can destroyRead MoreEarthquake : The Seddon Earthquake2165 Words  | 9 Pagesand only 45 being over magnitude 4. (see image 2). From the earthquake features discussed, we can see that despite the Seddon earthquake having a greater magnitude and similar type of fault movement, it was the fact that the Christchurch earthquake carried a lot more power and force with its initial ground movement and shaking, and its continual aftershocks, that the effects of this earthquake were much worse than the Seddon earthquake. Read MoreThe Earthquake Of Nepal Earthquake1914 Words  | 8 PagesEarthquakes are destructive natural disasters that have the potential to occur. Earthquakes greatly impact various locations around the world. Generally, earthquakes typically only last for a few brief moments but they can greatly impact a society. One of which include the Nepal Earthquake of April 25,2015. This particular earthquake flattened large parts of the capital Kathmandu and also, caused destruction throughout the already improvised Himalayan nation. The earthquake in Nepal was the mostRead MoreThe Earthquake Of Christchurch Earthquake2405 Words  | 10 Pages impact, recovery, responses and future steps of the 2011 M6.3 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. Helena (Jiahui) Zhang 250641678 November 18 2014 Geography 2152F Mark Moscicki Table of Contents 1.0 Description of Event 2 2.0 Causes 3 3.0 Impacts 5 4.0 Responses 7 5.0 Recovery 8 6.0 Suggestions for future steps 10 7.0 Bibliography 11 1.0 Description of the Event The Christchurch earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 (Ritcher scale) hit New Zealand’s secondRead MoreEarthquakes Disasters Caused By Earthquakes1564 Words  | 7 PagesEarthquakes are an unfortunate consequence of, well, living on earth. While other hazards such as volcanos, tornados, floods, and wild fires all have clear visual indications that allow for us humans to get away from them, earthquakes are much more insidious than the aforementioned disasters because they have no such indicator and the damage they inflict is near instantaneous. Luckily for us humans, seismologists have spent a good portion of the 20th century finding out why earthquakes occur, howRead MoreThe Great Chilean Earthquake : An Earthquake1508 Words  | 7 PagesThe Great Chilean Earthquake An earthquake is the shaking of the earth by seismic waves radiating away from the disturbance, most commonly fault movement. The great Chilean earthquakes origin was of the coast of Chile at a subduction zone, referred to as a hot spot for seismic activity. A subduction zone is a region on the crust of the earth where two tectonics plate meet one another. The area where the two plates meet is called a plate boundary. When two plates meet at a subduction zone, they convergeRead MoreWind, Earthquake And Its Effect On The Earthquake Essay905 Words  | 4 Pages Unlike wind, earthquake is a different phenomenon which generates a ground motion. The intensity or acceleration of the earthquake depends upon the magnitude and location of its epicenter. The seismic waves caused by the earthquake cause inertial forces in the building. The inertial forces are created when an outside force tries to move a body in rest which happens in this case as seismic waves tries the move the building in rest. We all know that when a building is subjected to inertial forces
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Contribution Of The Civil Rights Movement - 1226 Words
Many people are honored for their leadership, impact, legacy, achievements and hospitality. At Columbus State University, there are multiple people that should be considered for an honor. Mary Blackmon started women’s athletics at CSU. Frank Brown , former president at CSU, transformed CSU from a commuter college into the massive university it is today. Thomas Whitley was the founding president at CSU. Carson McCullers was a well-known author in Columbus. All these people did something great for CSU. However, I believe John Townsend, the first African American student at CSU, is the one who deserves a statue . The Civil Rights movement was an incredible time in our history to see a drastic change in society. The movement pushed laws to end racial segregation and discrimination , causing schools to be integrated. Because of that movement, it allowed John Townsend to be the first African American to enter what is now called Columbus State University. Being an African American myself, if it wasn’t for him being the first African American at Columbus State University, I wouldn’t be able to attend here today. In my criteria of legacy and impact, John Townsend scored highest in both categories. An impact is when a new idea comes and influence people from all around. A legacy is when something great happens and remembered for generations .Because he was the first African American student at CSU, it paved the way for a plethora of African American students to come toShow MoreRelated Jewish Contributions to the Early Civil Rights Movement3950 Words  | 16 Pagesthe Beat movement and spread throughout America during the sixties. The Montgomery Bus Boycotts and Brown V. Board of Education were great precursors to the revolutionary civil rights legislation of the mid sixties. Whereas for most of the aforementioned societal changes, the 50s only exhibited hints of what was to come in the sixties, members of the civil rights movement built an impressive resume and did more than merely build a base for the 60s. The fifties marked a time when civil rights began toRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luth er King Jr And James Baldwins Contribution To The Civil Rights Movement1456 Words  | 6 Pagesthey were fighting for their rights and freedom. Throughout the Story The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin emphasizes where he was coming from when the Civil Rights Movement took in effect. As mentioned in a letter addressed to his nephew who was also named James Baldwin, he stated don’t try to seek vengeance from all your years of enduring seek forgiveness and love them. Nevertheless later along the story James Baldwin goes on and talks about all the other Civil Rights activists, Martin Luther KingRead MoreTo What Extent Was the Contribution of Martin Luther King Central to the Success of the Civil Rights Movement?1155 Words  | 5 PagesTo what extent was the contribution of Martin Luther King central to the success of the Civil Rights Movement? The first major event of King’s civil rights career was the Montgomery Bus Boycott.On December 5, 1955, five days after Montgomery civil rights activist Rosa Parks refused to obey the citys rules mandating segregation on buses, black residents launched a bus boycott and elected King as president of the newly-formed Montgomery Improvement Association. As the boycott continued during 1956Read MoreHow significant was Martin Luther King’s contribution to the civil rights movement in the years 1956-68?760 Words  | 4 PagesThere is no doubt that MLK shaped the way people campaigned for black civil rights in America during these years however weather that was significant to any head way they did make, one example of his significance is the amount of peaceful protest that was carried out, now that MLK was promoting peaceful protests more people could participate in campaigning for what they believed, this made the supporters for the civil right movement far greater in numb ers than ever before and opposing people found itRead MoreMartin Luther King And The Civil Rights Movement979 Words  | 4 Pagesand modern politicians alike, challenge his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement and the legitimacy of his leadership. While King is traditionally presented as a leader of the movement, Ella Baker, an African American Civil Rights activists, questions this convention and claims â€Å"the [Civil Rights] movement made Martin.†Furthermore, often portrayed as the decisive factor of social change, King’s leadership and significance in the Civil Rights Movement is largely overemphasized and his exaggeratedRead MoreThe Impact of James Baldwins Writing on the Civil Rights Movement1323 Words  | 5 Pageshave had a significant impact on the Civil Rights movement. James Baldwin work was very important to the civil rights movement and he was influenced by the civil rights movement. Born in 1924, Baldwin moved to Paris, France in his early t wenties and it was from there that he did most of his important writing (Boyd). Baldwin began his writing career as a novelist and his personal goal was always to attain a status as a respected novelist but it was his contributions as an essayist that provided him withRead MoreInterpretations Of The Civil Rights Movement1415 Words  | 6 PagesHistoriographical interpretations of the Civil Rights Movement have often been documented as a history of great men mostly focusing on black men like Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lewis, Jim Lawson, and Malcom X. As scholars of the civil rights movement, we now recognize the ways in which the prevailing forces of both patriarchy and sexism have done the work of minimizing and erasing the important contributions of women throughout the progression of human history. Whether we look to the developmentRead MoreAndrew Young Essay1004 Words  | 5 Pagesmost influential black politicians in American history, Andrew Young has made countless cont ributions towards the advancement of civil liberties across the globe. In the third chapter of Andrew J. DeRoche’s biography Andrew Young: Civil Rights Ambassador, he successfully details how Young applied his experience in the Civil Rights Movement to his political career to help achieve peace and promote human rights in the United States and throughout the developing world. DeRoche’s research uses many primaryRead MoreLeadership Styles And Activism Of African American Women1026 Words  | 5 Pagesto identify important leaders of the civil rights movement, the name that most often comes to one’s mind is Martin Luther King Jr. Others may mention James Forman, Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, James Farmer, Andrew Young, or Bayard Rustin. Notably missing are the names of women leaders. Rarely would Ella Baker, Septima Clark, Gloria Richardson, Daisy Bates, or Fannie Lou Hamer be identified. The absence of the women leaders of the civil rights movement from history is not because there wereRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pagescontroversy.†(Famous civil-rights†¦) As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, the â€Å"measure†of a man comes not when things are going well, but when things are times are challenging. In the time of the Civil Rights movement, lots of African American people were measured by how they managed difficult situations. The Civil rights movement had many influential leaders and events. The overall importance of the movement was the profound impact it had on American life. The Civil Rights Movement had many important
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Impact of Ednas Initial Awakening Essay example
Examine the ways in which Chopin reveals and develops the impact of Edna’s initial - awakening - in the central section of the novel. Chopin reveals the impact of Edna’s awakening through a number of different mediums and stylistic devices. Firstly, she uses Edna’s character and her interaction with other people to emphasise the initial development of Edna’s character. In the central section of the novel, Chopin implies a change in Edna’s character this is shown through Doctor Mandelet’s observation, â€Å" he observed his hostess attentively from under his shaggy brows, and noted a subtle change which had transformed her from the listless woman he had known into a being who for the moment, seemed palpitant with the forces of†¦show more content†¦Edna rejects any societal values which she may or may have not have agreed with before but used to adhere to; she behaves towards Leonce in a way which is a total shock to him and therefore the reader because Chopin presents how Leonce feels and reacts as fact. â€Å"Why, what could have taken you out on Tuesday? What did you have to do?†said Mr Pontellier. â€Å"Nothing. I simply felt like going out, and I went out,†this is an example of a total change the way that Edna behaves towards Leonce. She does not behaviour or react the same way that she would have done previously thereby highlighting the change in her persona. Furthermore, the reader is told that there is a change in Edna’s character, or at least in Mr Pontellier’s view, â€Å" her whole attitude toward me and everybody and everything- has changed.†Chopin verifies Mr Pontellier’s comment by showing her reject of involving herself with her acquaintances and engaging in a whole new approach to life, â€Å"she hasn’t been associating with any one. She has abandoned her Tuesdays at home, has thrown over all her acquaintances, and goes tramping about by herself, moping in the street-cars, getting in after dark.†This implies a total rejection of any ‘normal’ routine which Mr Pontellier would like Edna to led and would have been undertaken by all of the women in the Creole society. Once again Chopin
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analyze and Access the Challenges of Accounting
Question: Discuss about the Analyze and Access the Challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations In the Context of Microsoft Corporation. Answer: Research Project Introduction and Justification Todays business environment is becoming more competitive, dynamic, innovative and globalized for all the types of business firms including small and large. This competitive and globalized business environment is playing a key role in creating a wide range of issues and challenges in the front of the companies or corporation. For case, several kinds of issues are faced by the business firms in the market that negatively affects the success, growth, profitability, and productivity of a company. In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, in the present time, the most challenging problem encountered by the global firms is directly or indirectly related to accounting. It means global organizations are facing several types of accounting challenges that not only have adverse impact on the revenue and profit of the global companies but also have major impact on the accountability, creditability, flexibility and organizational reputation (Adagey, Azagaku, and Umbugadu, 2015). For example, it is also accessed that, Microsoft Corporation is one of the leading and fast growing company that is also facing different challenges and issues related to the accounting. These issues negatively affected the individual and organizational productivity of the company. Moreover, it should also be noted down that, the selected research topic is a current and challenging issue for all the business firms so this topic is selected. Moreover, this research topic is also contains the strategies to deal with certain accounting issues. Hence, the topic to analyze and access the challenges of Accounting in Global Organizations: In the context of Microsoft Corporation is selected. Literature Review According to Romanus (2014), global companies have added subsidiaries in different countries, formed cooperative alliances with different nations firms, listed shares on multiple stock exchanges overall the world, engaged in exchange currency with many countries, use global cross-border debt financing, and set up business centers that created accounting challenges. Different nations have their different rules and regulations that required following by global company that is challenging task of the business. Moreover, different nations have different accounting rules, principles and standards that followed by global companies that created accounting challenges of them. In the words of Arnold (2009), different nations different accounting standards and principles created challenges of the global companies financial managers and accountants to follow them while group financial reporting and prepare consolidated financial statements that are very difficult task of accounting. For example , the United States organizations need to follow the rules and regulations of Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP), while the United Kingdom follows International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Each nation has its own set of accepted accounting standards and meets the accounting requirements or standards are the main challenges of accounting in global organizations. In addition, Unegbu (2014) stated that different nations have different business tax rates that calculations is challenging task of accounting and adjustment of each country tax paid in the consolidated financial statement of global company is also created challenges related to accounting. Saudagaran (2009) contributed in this through stated that different states in a nation also have their different corporate or business tax rate that calculation and paid taxes is also challenging tasks for accountant and financial managers in a global company. Ali (2011) also expressed similar viewed as stated that each company required to pay national and states tax on their earning of the business or operations in particular state or nation. Calculation of taxes and paid of taxes and their adjustment in the consolidated financial statements is challenging task of the accounting otherwise its impacts on the profit loss statements of the global companies. According to Kavanagh and Drennan (2008), global companies those engaging in global business face some accounting reporting challenges that are related to consolidate global subsidiaries and accounting of global transactions denominated in alternative currencies. Subsidiary corporation financial statements is prepared in the local currency that required to changes financial statement in parents country currency to prepare consolidated financial statements that also challenge for finance of the global companies. Althrough, Trigo, Belfo and Estebanez (2014) expressed that currency fluctuation sometimes changed the subsidiary corporation profit while prepare parent consolidated financial statements that is challenging task of accounting for global companies. Currency exchange value fluctuation changed transaction value of the subsidiary that not present accurate consolidated financial statements of parents global company (AICPA, 2017). In addition, Black and Morrison (2014) described th at accounting software would be used by global companies to deal with these accounting challenges that they faced in the global market. Research Aim/Objective Generally, this research is mainly focus on the accounting issues/challenges faced by todays global organizations. Moreover, in the current time of globalization and competitive business era, a wide range of accounting challenges are faced by the global companies that have major impact on the total success of the global business firms. With regard to this research topic, the main aim of this study is to discuss different accounting challenges faced by global business firms and access their impact on the organizational reputation, profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the main objectives that will be targeted in this study are: To identify and evaluate the major roles of accounting in the total success of a global company: in the context of Microsoft Corporation To access the importance of theoretical, economical and practical knowledge for the global organizations in solving complex accounting and business problems To evaluate the roles and significance of informational technology in maintaining the professionalism in the organization: In the context of Microsoft Corporation To analyze the impact of accounting challenges on the global business firms and their accountants To investigate the key accounting challenges faced by the accountants of global companies in developing knowledge and skills To suggest various ways and methods to overcome accounting challenges To evaluate the impact of accounting challenges on functioning of Microsoft Corporation To analyze the roles of financial accounting standards in avoiding global accounting challenges Research Questions On the basis of identified research aim, objective and research problem, the following are the major research questions associated with this research such as: How accounting challenges are affecting the functioning and success of global business organizations? What are the major accountings challenges are faced by the Microsoft Corporation in the global business environment? Are accountings challenges influencing the overall success and growth of Microsoft Corporation? What are the different types of global accounting standards used by Microsoft Corporation to deal with accounting issues or challenges? How accounting challenges are affecting the individual productivity of accountants of Microsoft Corporation? What are the fundamental strategies, methods, and techniques utilized by the Microsoft Corporation to overcome the impact of accounting challenges on the organizational performance? Research Methodologies and Techniques Research methodology is the way to select best research methods for a particular research. This research methodology is helps the researchers to successfully complete the study by maintaining reliability and credibility of research outcome. Research methodology is a significant part of a research that justifies the reason behind the selection of a particular research approach, philosophy and design from the available options or methods (Whitbeck, 2011). In the context of this research, the following research methods will be applied to finish study: Research Approach and Philosophy: The research philosophy is based on the individual perceptions, beliefs and values of an researcher, so research philosophies are essential to develop a clear understanding about the research problem. A researcher is utilizes a particular philosophy as per the nature of research problem to conduct this research. For example, interpretive, positivism and realism philosophies are most valuable research philosophies that used by the researchers to investigate the business issue. For case, this research study is based on the accounting challenges for the global firms. Moreover, interpretive philosophy is based on critical analysis. In contrast, realism is based on reality or science. But, positivism is based on positive approach on the research topic/issue. In the context of this research study, the interpretive philosophy would be appropriate to investigate the research problem because it is business related research topic. At the same time, by using this philosophy, the researcher woul d be able to use critical ways to develop knowledge on the selected topic by collecting accurate and real information (Yin, 2014). Moreover, by using the interpretive philosophy in the research, the researcher will focus on both the sides of the research problem. For case, the researcher would consider hypothesis in order to collect the information. The research approach justification is necessary and important to gather appropriate data according to the research subject or problem. Inductive and deductive are two types of research approaches that used in the research to solve the research problem. Inductive research approach is supports interpretive philosophy that is effective to investigate the current issue and topic. In addition, deductive approach is linked with realism and positivism approaches and helps the researcher to investigate existing theories concept and issue through collecting huge amount of data or information (Thomas, Nelson and Silverman, 2011). In this study, d eductive research approach will not be effective and appropriate. So, inductive approach would be applied to collect the specific and accurate information about the research in order to attain the research objectives. Research Design Use of Research design in the research is also essential because data collection methods depend on the research design. Qualitative and quantitative research designs are two significant ways of research design that used in the research study on the basis of research problem, nature of research, application of research approach and research philosophy. Inductive approach is requires quality and real data, while deductive approach needed the huge amount of the data to investigate the selected topic. Qualitative design is appropriate to evaluate the human behavior and realistic problem, while quantitative design is effective to investigate the old concept or scientific approach (Punch, 2013). In this study, a mixed method of research design would be used to collect current and existing data, facts and figures through primary and secondary sources. This would help the researcher to develop his knowledge and understanding about the research issue and outcome. A Project Plan A project plan is also play a fundamental role in the research and assists the researcher to accomplish the aim and objectives of the research in a systematic manner. A project plan can be defined as a Gantt chart or time schedule that provides direction to the researcher regarding the appropriate way of conducting the research study (Pickard, 2013). In the context of this business filed research, the Gantt chart or time schedule and milestones are as follow: Gantt chart: The below horizontal chart is shown the Gantt chart of this study: Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Weeks Introduction Literature Review Research Methodology Questionnaire Formation Distribution Collection of Responses Analysis of Data Findings Presentation Relating Research Objectives with the Findings Conclusion and Recommendations Milestones: The milestone is linked with time schedule or Gantt chart because without time schedule, the researcher would not able to achieve milestones of the project. This project/research related main milestone is as follow: Week 1: Introduction Week 6: Literature Review Week 7: Research Methodology Technique Selection Week 8: Questionnaire Formation Distribution Week 10: Collect response of participants Week 12: Data analyzed Week 13 Presentation of data findings Week 14: Conclusion Research Process Description/Research Structure A research process is give clear direction and ideas to the researcher to conduct the study appropriately and effectively. Moreover, a research process is assists the researcher to complete study with time schedule. Research process is provides guidelines regarding the way of maintaining credibility of the study. The project plan is suggesting that this research study is divided systematically into five parts. The first step or chapter is introduction that describes the topic background, research topic, objective, aim and objectives, topic selection justification, scope and significance of the study, project plan or timeline and ethical aspects of the research (Miller and Tsang, 2011). Introduction chapter provides basic guidelines to the researcher about how to attain research objectives. Moreover, the second step/chapter is literature review by which the researcher is critically analyse research topic/problem by representing the views of different authors or scholars views on the research problem. Moreover, the secondary sources of information are used to collect secondary data. For example, articles, scholars, journals, books, company website, company annual report, government reports or statistics, and authentic online sources are used to conduct the literature review. In addition, the third step/chapter is research methodologies and technologies that justify the selection of the research methods/approaches to attain the goals of the research (Bryman, 2012). On the other hand, research methodology is also explains research methods, approach, philosophy, methods of data collection, sampling techniques technique used in conducting the dissertation/research. Moreover, fourth step or chapter is data presentation by which data and information is presented in the form of table, charts and graphs to effectively understand the research. Data analysis and presentation section represents main findings of the primary and secondary data (Gerrish and Lacey, 2010). Furthermore, the final step or chapter is conclusion that shows the main outcome of the overall research process and significance of the research outcome for practical world. Data Collection Analysis Primary and secondary are the two specific and innovative ways of data collection that generally used to solve research issues and conduct research. In this research study, both the data collection method would be applied in this study to collect data, facts figures. The primary data/information will be collected through the use of questionnaire survey technique. In this, 10 open-ended questions will be selected and then 100 questionnaires were send to accountants of global companies to collect the data and information about the research topic. In addition to this, in the context of this research study, the researcher will use random sampling way to select 100 managers for questionnaire survey (Bendat and Piersol, 2011). The literature review would be conducted by using secondary data to analyze the impact of accounting challenges on the success of global firms. Moreover, content analysis method would also be used to present the outcome of primary and secondary data collectively. Conclusion The findings of the research indicates that, global business firm are facing the issues related to the accounting. Moreover, these challenge negatively affecting the total success of the global organizations. At the same time, it can be said that, global business firms should adopt specific accounting standards, methods and techniques to deal with such accounting issues and challenges. References AICPA,. (2017) Emerging issues impacting todays accountants. Retrieved on 12th April, 2017 from: Ali, I,. (2011) Current issues and challenges facing accounting education and the pedagogical implications: A review of the literature. Retrieved on 12th April, 2017 from Arnold P., (2009) Global financial crisis: The challenge to accounting research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 34, Issues 6-7, Pages 803-809, 3 Bendat, J. S., and Piersol, A. G. (2011). Random data: analysis and measurement procedures. USA: John Wiley Sons. Black, J, S and Morrison, A,. (2014) The global leadership challenge, Routledge, New York Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods. UK: Oxford university press. Gerrish, K., and Lacey, A. (2010). The research process in nursing. USA: John Wiley Sons. Miller, K. D., and Tsang, E. W. (2011). Testing management theories: critical realist philosophy and research methods. Strategic Management Journal, 32(2), pp. 139-158. Pickard, A. J. (2013). Research methods in information. Facet Publication. Punch, K. F. (2013). Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. UK: Sage. Romanus, O. O., (2014). The challenges of accounting education: the Nigerian experience, Accounting and finance research, 3(2). Saudagaran, S, M., (2009). International accounting: a user perspective, CCH, USA Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., and Silverman, S. J. (2011). Research methods in physical activity. USA: Human Kinetics. Unegbu, A, O,. (2014) Theories of accounting: evolution developments, income determination and diversities in use, Research journal of finance and accounting, vol 5(4) Whitbeck, C. (2011). Ethics in engineering practice and research. USA: Cambridge University. Press. Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research: Design and methods. UK: Sage publications.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
BNZ Situational Analysis Essay Example
BNZ Situational Analysis Essay There are 4. 42 million people living in New Zealand, and over 470,000 enterprises operating in New Zealand, which means their potential market size is very large. Competitive Environment The main competitors of the BENZ are Kickback, Western, ANZA and ASP. There are other smaller banks in New Zealand but these are their main competition. Kickback is 100% New Zealand owned and operated, while the BENZ is part of the National Australia Bank group. Customers may feel more comfortable banking with an entirely New Zealand owned business. Western offers free workshops on managing money to their customers. Customers who do not have good skills in managing their money may be more inclined to bank with Western because they offer this service. ANZA offers bonus bonds, which give New Slanderer a unique way to save and a chance to win cash prizes. Macro-Environment (PEST) Technological Environment: Technology is constantly evolving. This gives BENZ the opportunity to gain competitive advantages over their opposition by developing and expanding their services. Due to the increased ownership of smartness and tablets, consumers have become more reliant on Internet banking and mobile banking APS. Political Environment: The BENZ is registered as a bank under the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989. The Act gives the URBAN the powers to register and supervise banks for the purpose of promoting the maintenance of a sound efficient financial system and: avoiding significant damage to the financial system that could result from the failure of a registered bank. This means they can legally operate as a bank in New Zealand. Economic Environment: The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has put restrictions on lending to customers who have a Loan to Volume Ratio (LIVER) of over 80%. We will write a custom essay sample on BNZ Situational Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on BNZ Situational Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on BNZ Situational Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This means homebuilders with a deposit of less than 20% will find it difficult to get loan. TOWS Analysis Threats Competitors. There are other large banks operating within New Zealand. These other banks are constantly competing to attract customers by offering them the best deals and other products that may set them apart from the BENZ. Restrictions on LIVER. Due to a recent change in law, banks are only allowed to have a certain percentage of their loans on a high LIVER which could lead to a reduction in home loans as due to rising house prices many people cannot afford a large deposit on a home. A deduction in home loans could potentially lower the banks profit. Opportunities Technological Advances. Technology is evolving quickly and people are becoming more reliant on it. The BENZ have one of the top Internet banking systems and mobile phone banking APS, Younger. Technological advances give the BENZ the opportunity to build on these products and look into developing new, innovative banking APS which could potentially give them an advantage over their competitors and attract more technology as. N. Y customers. An ever-increasing labor force. The growing labor force provides a greater potential customer base. Weaknesses The BENZ are not 100% New Zealand owned and operated . The BENZ is part of the National Australia Bank Group. Customers may feel hesitant about banking with a bank that is not entirely New Zealand owned. Strengths They are a trusted NZ bank with a large customer base . The BENZ have a large number of loyal customers who can potentially attract more customers to the BENZ; parents who are customers may open up an account for their children or tell other family members or friends about their positive experience banking with BENZ. They have an advanced and easy to use Internet banking system. The BENZ has recently created Younger, an Internet banking programmer that works like your brain does. This gives them an edge over their competitors, and is likely to attract students, workers and other people who rely on Internet banking. They are an environmentally friendly business. The BENZ places a large focus on the sustainability of their business and pride themselves in being environmentally conscious. For example, their newest buildings are constructed with sustainability in mind and have all attained a green star rating. This may attract customers who value environmentally friendly businesses. Bans target market is NZ businesses and individuals who are aged 18 years and over. However, they target businesses and individuals who are aged 25 and over more strongly. This is evident from their website homepage which feature advertisements on home loans, travel insurance and their Asian business team. It is important the BENZ continues to embrace the constant advances in technology in order to maintain upper hand over competitors in the technological environment. They can do this by being the first to invent state-of-the-art ways to bank such as using creating a way for smartness to be used to pay for things. To overcome the weakness of not being 100% NZ owned and operated, the BENZ should advertise to customers that although they are a subsidiary of The National Australia Bank Group, a fully empowered New Zealand Board of Directors governs the BENZ locally. This should reassure customers and make them less hesitant about banking with the BENZ due to them being Australian owned. The BENZ targets businesses and people aged 25 and over very successfully, although, it would be beneficial for them to expand their target market and place a greater emphasis on the younger generations. Younger generations are becoming more educated with a rising proportion of young people entering the workforce with tertiary qualifications. For the BENZ, this means a vast potential customer base of educated individuals. They have begun to target this generation by offering students, graduates and apprentices discounts on products such as Younger and also discounted interest rates. Another way they could target this younger market links back to utilizing technological advances since generation Y is more technically adept than any other generation.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
William Robinson-Rise to Fame essays
William Robinson-Rise to Fame essays (b) Write a brief article for the journal Art and Australia about Australian artist William Robinson. Your article should examine how relationships between the agencies of the art world have contributed to his rise to fame. In 1976 his work fetched the then flattering price of seven hundred dollars. Since then both the price and the talent we associate with his work has taken an ever increasing upward spiral. In fact, only a few years ago his Creation Series: The Ancient Trees, 19978 reached a record price of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Two time winner of both the Archibald Prize for portraiture and the Wynne prize for landscape painting Australia painter William Robinson is still able to amaze many with his beautiful portrayals of the Australian landscapes. Robinsons talent and the high quality and artistic achievement in his paintings were first recognised by the National Gallery of Victoria, an establish gallery who purchased one f his large landscapes, showcasing his work to the public. This initial exposure allowed art dealers, critics and the museum going public to witness his work. Ray Hughes, an art dealer, recognised Robinsons talent and soon after began exhibiting his Robinsons in his own Brisbane and Sydney museums. The artist in 1987 submitted his painting entitled Equestrian Self-Portrait into the Archibald Prize for Portraiture, Australias Premier Portraiture Award, a highly prestigious award showcasing contenders in the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Robinson soon after took first place and was awarded a cash prize as well as the publicity the prize itself generated. This was only the beginning. In 1990 and 1995, William Robinson took first place and was awarded the Wynne prize for Landscape painting for his paintings The Rainforest, 1990 and Creation Landscape: earth and Sea, 1995. This prize was awarded to the painting ...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Eradication of Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Eradication of Obesity - Essay Example The proposed obesity eradication plan has many outcomes that occur during its implementation. The first one is that the long-term programs that address physical activity are often successful. Â The programs that are implemented for more than five months are associated with increased physical activity and the young generation. Moreover, the programs that teach skill building are often associated with enhanced physical activity. While teaching the young people self-controlled physical action, expertise includes training them in ways by which they should integrate physical training into their lives and look for ways of making the physical exercise enjoyable and autonomous. In addition, the physical exercise obesity eradication plans that are designed for the adolescence group were very much effective. Implementation of the eradication of obesity project has benefits to the patients rather than the hospital. However there are some advantages that the hospital personnel have that affect the hospital indirectly. The implementation process helps the managers to perfect their managerial skills in the field. This in turn benefits the hospital because the managers could now handle their work with more efficiency thus benefiting the hospital. Moreover, the obesity eradication implementation action plan helps to break the monotony that nurses might be having in the hospital. In so doing, their brains are refreshed and thus they become rejuvenated and can improve their service afterwards thus benefiting the hospitals.Â
Friday, February 7, 2020
Health Care Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 24
Health Care Leadership - Essay Example Kevin as a manager has certain flaws among which the most frequent is his inability to communicate in terms of clear vision, conveying strategy formulated, getting feedback and identifying priorities with staff. Also, he lacks trust over abilities of others and does not allow them to take risks or work freely and therefore actually performs their job instead of letting them work. He also lacks identifying future opportunities and ideas to improve the business process. 3. After comparison of Kevin’s strengths and areas of development, I would prefer not to work under Kevin at this stage i.e. before professional development. Instead of being a team leader and high level manager, he has opted to work as team member lacking ideas of development. I could make a role model even the person working under me, but select a boss who provides enough space to take risks adopting new skills and gain experience. Communicating effectively in terms of macro affairs is the basic task of top management, which otherwise would cause confusion and chaos. In order to create a vision it is important not just to consult the higher management rather workers at lower and staff level should also be discussed (Robert Lussier, 2012). They could also come up with bright ideas, goals and objectives which can be made a part of the organization’s vision. In order to communicate the formulated vision statement, it must be ensured that every single employee in the organization has totally understood its value from the scratch; it’s not just remembering it but driving the right meaning of the statement. Those whom Kevin followed regarding the development program played a very important role in his development as a leader. Any development program is a gradual process, and self development in terms of communication requires time and phases. Although the coach mentored Kevin in terms of vision creation and communication, but the ones to practically analyse him were his colleagues. Without their honest opinion, it was not possible for Kevin adjusts his development strategy.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Intelligence Reform Essay Example for Free
Intelligence Reform Essay Brief Background The aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy has caused the US Federal Government to re-assess the setback and possible flaws of their homeland security defense. To primarily focus on investigating the tragedy, in November 27th 2002, the US Congress and President Bush commissioned a ten-man panel that comprised the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, which is known as the 9/11 Commission.  The 9/11 Commission expedited the investigation process and came up with a two-pronged framework based on the assessment. This two-pronged framework consists of the framing of action at a global perspective and the formulation of action at the domestic domain. The homeland security aspect has been emphasized and related by the 9/11 Commission with strong urgency for implementation and recommended it to Congress and the President. In addition, the commission also suggested the enactment of immediate measures that deal with the intelligence and enforcement agencies and the military organizations. Moreover, the US government has enacted several inter-agency programs that are highly supported by Congress and President Bush. Thus, the nationalization of homeland strategic programs has formally resulted in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) on January 20th 2004. In this regard, this paper will discuss the intelligence components of the IRTPA and measure its performance throughout the intelligence community while comparing it with the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. On these bases, a conclusive evaluation will discuss the impact of IRTPA to reform the national intelligence community. An Update Briefer This update briefer is used to keep abreast with the situation of the intelligence reform in retrospect of the discussion throughout this paper. The paper will also form relevance to the background of concerns affecting the IRTPA. Basically, according to critics, â€Å"the Bush administration is in its seven years of intelligence fiasco which controls more than 80% of America’s $60 billion intelligence budgetâ€â€reflective of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ streamlining the Pentagon’s trail on national security policy and intelligence as he work hand in hand with Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Michael McConnellâ€â€he gradually assert civilian control over the key spy agencies funded by the defense budget and held Pentagon’s effort to create its own intelligence machinery independent of the CIA†. This criticism could somehow be founded on the discretion of the President and put into perspective the 9/11 Commission Recommendation No.13.2 which states that: â€Å"the current position of Director of Central Intelligence (DNI) should be replaced by a National Intelligence Director (NID) with two main areas of responsibility; (1) to oversee national intelligence centers on specific subjects of interest across the U.S. government and (2) to manage the national intelligence program and oversee the agencies that contribute to it†. At hindsight, the intelligence fund may have lead to criticism because the teaming up of Pentagon with the CIA requires substantial budget allocation primarily due to the realignment of budget appropriation to intelligence activities. The Framing of Global Strategy This section of the paper will discuss the 9/11 Commission’s framing of global strategy that defines the action of security measures at international perspective, as follows: Reflection on Generational Challenge The 9/11 Commission has determined and defined the conceptual framework of knowing their enemies by familiarizing the historical origin and doctrines that instilled in their adversaries desires to wage war against America. Basically, familiarizing with the enemy is also familiarizing with the combative measures used in defining or assessing the formidable threat. It was found that terrorism is not only an act of vengeance to kill and destroy but is also based on the doctrines of Islamist secessionism which means that the allied forces and not only America is at risk of terrorist attacks. In this regard, familiarizing with enemy requires the use of all elements of national power: diplomacy, intelligence, covert action, law enforcement, economic policy, foreign aid, public diplomacy, and homeland defense. By reflecting on the situation and knowing the enemies, the challenge lies on the achievable tactical and strategically managed plan of action for short and long term implementation. Attacking terrorists and their organizations The collaborative diplomatic ties with allied governments focuses on a campaign to thwart the terrorist attacks by means of information exchange and expanding the open-source of intelligence information, intensifying military operations and sharing of financial resources to allied government’s counter-terrorism programs.  The conduct of war on terrorism has been installed at all frontiers of defense ranging from domestic and international boundaries. The strategy being employed is to know better the enemies but more on identifying the perpetrators of terrorism. The coercive action in condemning the so-called â€Å"cowardice attack to US soil†has been proven in the fall of Baghdad and the capturing of Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein, a close ally of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The war on terrorism is treated with broadened understanding by the 9/11 Commission. Preventing the Continued Growth of Islamist Terrorism According to former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld , the battle of ideas is between the question of enforcing law to prevent terrorist attacks and the question of just merely killing them the moment they commit the crime. Capturing terrorists, whether they are suspected or proven otherwise, would strategically achieve security defense. In addition, isolating the enemy and putting them into peripheries is another tactical form of beating them.  In contrast to Rumsfeld’s claim, the 9/11 Commission has tackled the importance of the UN’s declaration of human rights and some principles on Articles of War of the Geneva Convention. It briefly explains the humane treatment of the enemy of the state even when they are captured in combat zonesâ€â€as mostly terrorist prefer to hide in strife-torn areasâ€â€or at the actual scene of the crime which are non-combat zones and urban population areas. In a way, the act of capturing an enemy is employed with strategic treatment and debriefing on the circumstance of indoctrination, specifically to familiarize with the Islamic doctrines in a tactical aspect. At a glance, it is a minimal gain to extract information from a captured terrorist because most of them are suicidal and would rather bring with them to their grave the classified information they know or possess. In relation to adopt more sustainable strategies at the global perspective, a 6-point framework is as follows: 1. Turning a national strategy into a coalition strategy refers to fostering a broader alliance in various governmental representation from its domestic or homeland relations to international cooperation; 2. Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction refers to supporting the call of the UN Security Council to all members and all allied states to disarmament of lethal weaponry that may result a genocide of the human race; 3. Strengthen counter proliferation efforts refers to act on counter-measures for countries that condone the exchange of lethal weaponry or weapons of mass destruction; 4. Expand the proliferation security initiative refers to expanding the open-source information in aid of intelligence access and exchange; 5. Support the cooperative threat reduction program refers to the retrieval of potentially useable weaponry or armaments that has been stockpiled during the warâ€â€which may be availably used by terrorists; 6. Targeting terrorist money refers to acting on financial embargo or halting the financial flow on the nature of funds that is being used by terrorists in funding their terrorist activities. Protection and preparation for terrorist attacks The continuing assessment and monitoring of potential threats of terrorist attacks to US homeland in particular and international communities of allied governments in general are being put into heightened configuration of security measures. The stabilization of preparedness programs and protective laws on immigration would minimize the burdens of terrorist threats. The crossing of borders is employed with modernized technological facilities and physical security system that would limit the terrorist’s mobilization or in-and out-country deployment. Likewise, travel advisory reduces the vulnerability of citizens to plunge into hotspots or terrorist bailiwicks. Defending the Homeland The 9/11 Commission has formulated recommendations with encompassing urgent actions for the US government to consolidate and mobilize troops and agencies. The key functional agenda is patterned after the global strategy that tackled the US homeland defense system. The following are the recommendations based on â€Å"How to do it? A different Way of Organizing the Government†: Unity of Effort Across the Foreign-Domestic Divide The recommendation called for jointly undertaking action in the sourcing of integrated intelligence through the establishment of a National Counter-Terrorism Center which has a mandate that resembles the Terrorist Threat Integration Center. The NCTC manages the joint operational and intelligence activities. Unity of Effort in the Intelligence Community Streamlining the flow of intelligence by organizing the key positions of authority, in which a National Intelligence Director manages the joint operational and intelligence centers, replacing the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence. Unity of effort in Sharing Information The President’s mandate is called for unifying the functions of the government through mobilizing all governmental agencies to engage in information gathering and international cooperation with allied governments for information sharing. Unity of Effort in the Congress This calls for the establishment of a fully functional Congressional body that creates strong security policies and strengthens the homeland security. The unity of effort in Congress creates a policy structure that addresses the judicial and legal processes of security measures that manifests the sovereign interest of the people. Organizing America’s Defenses in the United States Institutionalizing the framework of intelligenceâ€â€aside from the existing intelligence agenciesâ€â€through a unified and managed specialty agency that is mandated to specifically organize the homeland defense basically results in the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. Transforming the Intelligence Work and Issues on Reforms In January 20th 2004, the US Congress enacted the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). The primary purpose of IRTPA is to reform the intelligence community and the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government . The transformation of intelligence work has found relevance in the enactment of IRTPA, in which the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has worked closely in the framing of the IRTPA as a law. According to ODNI, â€Å"a great structural change has occurred in the passing of IRTPA†. Stressing on the structural change, the ODNI has reformed its capabilities in managing the flow of human intelligence (HUMINT) as their open-source of information. Reforming the capabilities also enabled the optimization of both human and financial resources in managing the operations. The reform in the ODNI has substantially addressed the key operational issues affecting the intelligence community and is abl e to put into perspective the intelligence work on counter-terrorism, in order to fully manage the homeland defense system. In a Senate inquiry on the progress of intelligence reform in January 23rd 2007, the ODNI was inquired with several issues. First, they were asked about the agency performance in which Sen. John Warner pointed out â€Å"the progress thus far achieved by ODNI is ten percent†. Second, they were questioned on the effectiveness of managing the clandestine operation of the CIA using the HUMINT (human intelligence) in information sharing from open-sources, which apparently still need more refinements from the point of view of organizational management. Furthermore, the performance of the ODNI, as it reported its achievements, has shown defects in its organizational aspect. Due to these defects, the Senate inquiry hinted on an organizational review and suggested the recall of the clandestine operation as further inquired on the assurance of the best intelligence from the Iraq Study Group (ISG), which have achieved tactical and strategic intelligence. The conclusion of the Senate inquiry presumed on the issue of reform, which does not manifest in the ODNI’s organizational capability to benchmark the achievements of goals and the CIA’s clandestine work. A brief review of the literature shows that the ODNI may have been in the stage of adaptability to the structural change embodied in its organizational mandate by virtue of the IRTPA. Another consideration is the underlying performance of the ODNI in streamlining its goals which has affected the benchmarking of short and long term operational plans in the field and which has merely given due management by the CIA in its clandestine operation in using the HUMINT. At this point, the reform in intelligence community work was supposed to be measured by the expected assertiveness of the ODNIâ€â€as the 9/11 Commission recommended that the ODNI be designated as the agency that implements joint operational and joint intelligence work and replace some aspect of intelligence work of the CIA. Retrieval of Operation to Manifest Reform In an effort to fully address the key issues to manifest reform in the structural change brought about by IRTPA and legislative pressures, the retrieval of operation in the organizational function of ODNI has been resolved by the US Senate through the approval of the Fiscal Year 2008 Intelligence Act which â€Å"would emanate a more aggressive role to the ODNI in coordinating with the intelligence community†. The Senate Bill has surpassed the ODNI’s will of authority and retrieval of its operation that is being realigned to fully act on its function as a frontline agency in executing its mandate given by IRTPA. The degree and scope of authority of the ODNI is then expected to ventilate the reform in the intelligence community so as to re-examine the burdens and defects of work ranging from ministerial execution to field implementation. Moreover, an added feature that empowers the ODNI is the streamlining of bureaucracy in the formulation and execution of operating plans. Basically, reducing the involved authorities may expedite and resolutely implement the overall function and coverage of intelligence work. Likewise, the ODNI has been given the authority to appropriate budget thereby earmarking the fund for its National Intelligence Program. It would then be up to the ODNI to utilize and mobilize the resources that would be used to reform in the intelligence community. Conclusion The determination and identification of the 9/11 Commission for a global strategy has basically created the framework for the US homeland defense system. On the other hand, the recommendations have strongly moved the US government’s Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches which have enacted the IRTPA of 2004. In addition, the ODNI, as the body acting on intelligence mobilization, would require substantial budget allocation. Analyzing the enactment of IRTPA may be likened to a sword and an armor in which the bearer is the ODNI. In this regard, it can then be said that the US government has created an executioner of war on terrorism. Moreover, the degree and scope of authority vested upon the ODNI may be perceived as an ultimate implementer of capturing the world’s update. However, in some degrees, the reform in intelligence community may be burdened by domestic resistance from figures belonging to allied governments that oppose US foreign policy. Generally, the reform that was achieved by the US homeland defense system is the consolidation of its intelligence enforcement agencies and mobilization of its resources and strategies towards global perspective. The re-structuring of intelligence framework may be described as an art of war or a one-step backward, two-step forward move, which pursues the enemy outside its homeland while minimizing casualties. With this perception, the war on terrorism has been brought to the backyard of allied governments. It may be additionally perceived at the militarist point of view that the reform in intelligence community could reduce the expense of war in order to achieve the socio-economic-political gains from the war zones. Bibliography Donald Rumsfeld Interview on Jan. 30, 2004. Bremer-Sonnenberg Commission on Terrorism; in 9/11 Commission Report, Chapter 12, Page 374. (2004) ISBN 0-16- 072304-3. IRTPA of 2004. â€Å"Introductory Page†. 108th Congress of US, Second Session, 20 January 2004. (accessed 01 March 2008). Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) 2007. â€Å"Progress on Intelligence Reform to Senate Select Committee on Intelligence†. Transcript: Progress on Intelligence Reform. (accessed 01 March 2008). Richard A. Best Jr. and Alfred Cumming, 2007. â€Å"Director of National Intelligence Statutory Authorities: Status and Proposals,†CRS Report to Congress, (accessed 01 March 2008). Tim Shorrock. â€Å"Revisiting Intelligence Reform†, Foreign Policy in Focus, 6 December 2007. (accessed 01 March 2008). US Senate Inquiry, 2007. â€Å"Statement for the Record by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence†. (accessed 01 March 2008). 9/11 Commission Report. â€Å"How to do it? A different Way of Organizing the Government†. Chapter 13, Page 399-428. (2004) ISBN 0-16-072304-3. 9/11 Commission Report. â€Å"Unity of Effort in the Intelligence Community†. Recommendation No. 13.2. Chapter 13, Page 407-415. (2004) ISBN 0-16-072304-3. 9/11 Commission Report. â€Å"What To Do? A Global Strategy†. Chapter 12, Page 361- 383. (2004) ISBN 0-16-072304-3.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Comparing Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill Essay example -- Karl Marx vs
Karl Marx was born and educated in Prussia, where he fell under the influence of Ludwig Feuerbach and other radical Hegelians. Although he shared Hegel's belief in dialectical structure and historical inevitability, Marx held that the foundations of reality lay in the material base of economics rather than in the abstract thought of idealistic philosophy. He earned a doctorate at Jena in 1841, writing on the materialism and atheism of Greek atomists, then moved to Kà ¶ln, where he founded and edited a radical newspaper, Rheinische Zeitung. Although he also attempted to earn a living as a journalist in Paris and Brussels, Marx's participation in unpopular political movements made it difficult to support his growing family. He finally settled in London in 1849, where he lived in poverty while studying and developing his economic and political theories. Above all else, Marx believed that philosophy ought to be employed in practice to change the world. Although it at first had little impact on the varied revolutionary movements of the mid-19th century Europe, the Communist Manifesto was to become one of the most widely read and discussed documents of the 20th century. Marx sought to differentiate his brand of socialism from others by insisting that it was scientifically based in the objective study of history, which he saw as being a continuous process of change and transformation. Just as feudalism had naturally evolved into mercantilism and then capitalism, so capitalism would inevitably give way to its logical successor, socialism as the necessary result of class struggle. Marx's insistence that tough-minded realism should replace the utopian idealism of earlier socialists had profound consequences: it enabled revolutionaries like Lenin to be put it into action, but it also tended to encourage its followers to accept ruthless means to justify what they believed were historically necessary ends. Radical politics were being much m ore widely discussed than the small number of radicals justified; but Marx uses this fact to his advantage by proclaiming that any ideology so feared must be important and worth explaining clearly. In the notes, "Marx" is used as shorthand for both Marx and Engels. The Manifesto was originally issued in several languages, including an English version. According to Mark, the modern age is a dangerous age, an age in which we might ... ...or the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society. In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend. From the moment when labour can no longer be converted into capital, money, or rent, into a social power capable of being monopolised, i.e., from the moment when individual property can no longer be transformed into bourgeois property, into capital, from that moment, you say individuality vanishes. You must, therefore, confess that by "individual" you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must, indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible. Works Cited Marx, K. and Engels, F. Manifesto of the Communist Party, in The Portable Karl Marx, edited by E. Kamenka, New York: Penguin Books 1983. Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1978. Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2001
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Jim Morrison
Case Study on Jim Morrison Abnormal Psychology Mount Vernon Nazarene University By: Michael Moyer Tuesday, December 6, 2011 In the following pages, I chose Jim Morrison a rock singer from the 1960 and 1970’s band called the Doors; I am going use him as a case study example. Jim had abnormality and I will explain this in detail in the case study. I will also give you a comprehensive clinical background on Jim Morrison. In addition to the background, I am give you a look at his symptoms at the time of onset, severity, exactly what his personality disorder caused him to experience.After that, I will provide you with a 5-axis diagnosis of him including a GAF score. Later, in the case study I will give you behavioral explanation from a B. F. Skinner approach and explain how Jim developed his abnormality according to his theory. In the closing pages, of the case study I will provide a treatment plan with methods I chose to use. In addition, why I feel this would help him and the obs tacles I encounter in my treatment with Jim Morrison and ending, with my prognosis. James Douglas Morrison and his number one alias is Mr.Mojo Risin anagram of his name Jim Morrison and common nickname The Lizard King was born December 8, 1943 Melbourne, Florida, United States and Died on July 3, 1971at the young age of 27 in Paris, France. He died from a suspected heroin overdose and years of severe alcohol and drug dependence, which climaxed to his death in and no autopsy was performed on his body after death, and his exact cause of his death is still unknown. Jim Morrison is buried in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, one of the city's most visited tourist attractions (Riordan ;Prochnicky, 1991).Jim Morrison family and childhood years, before he became a legend. He was born to his parents Rear Admiral George Stephen Morrison and Clara Morrison. He also had a sister, Anne, who was born in 1947; and a brother, Andrew. He was of Irish and Scottish descent. He had an I. Q. of 149 he had high intellect and that was his key to writing great songs and poems however no drive to use his education for higher learning. His parents never spanked him and he lived what was quasi-military way of disciplining. His parents always dressed him down or has a military drill nstructor would talk down to his recruits and break down any line of defense to infer his total control and his father would tell him what he had done wrong over and over again, until reducing him to tears, however he learned to hold back his tears. Moreover, he developed a great sense of hate for his parents especially his father. He never had any true friends beside the band and his wife Pamela; they were the only people that did not run from his outburst and wild and coursed behavior that stemmed from his drug and alcohol abuse (Hopkins, 1992).His onsets of substance abuse develop early, because of his hatred of his father and swore never to do anything his father wanted. His periods of drinking starte d slow, however his drugging was at severity level quickly. He smoked pot and tripped on acid during college years claimed it helps him see the world more clearly. On the other hand, Jim was falling to the grips of borderline personality disorder for example, he was aware that he is slipping into despair, and voiced his concern that he did not know who he was.According to the authors, he stop eating and went on a sleep deprivation and taking large amount of acid, because he thought he was a shaman and was doing what young Indian braves, did to find there selves in trance of unconscious and learn who he was because everyone else did not know him. ( Riordan ;Prochnicky, 1991). However, his relationships were blurred and quickly lost excitement for the people he performed for and he started to use large capacity of drugs, and this still was not enough to quiet the demons anymore.He developed an self-damaging impulsiveness personality and had thoughts of suicide for example he would cli mb tall building tripping on many different psychedelic drugs and walking on the edge with no fear of falling. In addition, his nights of sexual experiences and using drugs with many different women played a part in his mood swings and intense anxiety or depression that would last for days and weeks, because he never took the time to detox and come down from the drugs.Moreover, his chronic feelings of emptiness became more dreadful and his first line of defense of alcohol had ceased to numb the pain of emptiness. His thoughts of getting drunk, high, death, and working on his poetry consumed his daily life. When he serve his probation requirements he played games with the psychiatrist, playing him with a stream of intellectual and philosophical nonsense, and then ending the sessions shortly when he became bored. In addition, he reacted to sychotherapy with distain and scorn, but he ached deep in his absorbent self-core and harbored an ambiguous, unconscious hope that something or som eone might have pulled him up from the void and helped him stop living on the edge and testing the bounds of reality. It was around 1970 when Jimi Hendricks and two weeks later Janis Joplin died of overdosed caused by an injection of heroin. Janis’s death bothered him, his death anxiety that Irvin Yalom, wrote about caused him to have his lingering thoughts about death more impulsive, and his behavior became more wreck less.He would come to perform so drunk and high he could barely finish a concert with going to jail or assaulting someone. He also started to ruin family and friendship gatherings with being late or so rude to his friends they all left. Furthermore, he had troubles keeping up with recording session and personal tasks. My five Axis diagnosis with Gaf score, examples, and reason why I felt Jim Morrison needed treatment. Axis 1: Alcohol Dependence, with Physiological Dependence 303. 90, Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (Opioid, Cocaine, Cannabis, and hallucinogen i ntoxication 292. 9) with Mixed Features, and (X) With onset during intoxication According to the DSM IV-TR: he meets the criteria in Axis I in these ways: * His recurrent substance uses and resulting in a failure to fulfill major roles for example never on time for concerts, studio times, and gatherings * His recurrent substance uses that in most of his situations ended in him or someone suffering from physically hazardous for example, him drunk driving, climbing up to the top of tall buildings, and walking on the edge not worried about death, being rude to friends and always cheating on his wife. His recurrent substance-related legal problems for example him being arrested on several occasions before or during a concert, at partying, gathering with friends and fans. * He continued his substance uses despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or intensified by the effects of the substance for example, instability in interpersonal relationships, fa mily, co-workers, and personal relationships. He has indicated by evidence of tolerance or symptoms of withdrawal for example, he never entered the studio without a bottle of liquor, spends his days in bars that surround his motel, sleeping and partying with many different women including his wife. * Clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes that developed during, or shortly after, alcohol ngestion for example, his lewd and lascivious behavior, drunk driving, interference with flight of an aircraft, and sexual aggressive behavior, his mixed periods of mania and depression, and ending with long periods of anxiety that lead to make him feel more empty inside. (These previous symptoms are not due to a general medical condition) Axis 2: Borderline Personality Disorder 301. 83According to the DSM IV-TR, he meets the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder in these ways: * Jim show frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment caused by his father not accepting him as child and as adult. * He had a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships with his family and friends and alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, with his mood swings cause by his drug and alcohol use. Shifting and unpredictable moods and recurrent suicidal behaviors, gestures, or threats, like climbing tall building and walking on the edge extremely intoxicated. * A poor control of impulses and emotions beginning in early adulthood and evident in a variety of contexts, where his mood would leave him with chronic feelings of emptiness and was confused who he was. * He had an unstable self-image and self-injuring with reckless drinking and drugging with many different sexual partners. Axis 3: NoneAxis 4: Problem with Primary Support Groups (his entire friend able him in his actions), (Disruption of family by separation as a military family) and (his father inconsistent behavior between treating his children as recruits and exercising little parental authority) Problems Related to Interactions with the Legal System/Crime Jim was (arrested at least ten times on such charges as drunk driving, lewd and lascivious behavior, battery, and driving without a license), (harassing media law enforcement officers), and (his Arrest and litigation record left him with and unpredictable future) Axis 5: GAF= 38 current however he moves up and down the scale with his mood swings (30-40).I rated him this way because his behavior is considerably influenced by delusions, hallucination, or severe impairment with his family, friends, job, judgment, and mood. In most days caused by his depression, drug, alcohol use, and his personality disorder hindered him from recovery. Now, I am going to explain how Jim developed his abnormality with a Freudian approach on id, ego, and super ego. In addition, explain some of Freud defense mechanisms that rescued Jim on a daily basis. I believe Freud would of said that his id and ego are m ixed up and causing his motivating behavior to be twisted by him being raised in a military control family that moved from state to state and not giving him time to find himself.In addition, Freud’s psychoanalytic approach would help to explain his behavior, motivation, and borderline personality disorder. For example, he was a highly education with a IQ of 149, however, his father controlled his life by wanting him to join the Navy and follow his footsteps, and Jim wanting to go to film school and write movies. Freud would say he is struck in spitting out (rejection) mode of functioning, because everything his father made him do, he rejected it and did his own thing as child and as an adult (Fiest;Feist, 2009). Freud identified three components of personality structure: the id, the ego, and the superego. He would have thought Jim behavior was due to the result of interactions between these three components.His id is the primitive, instinctive component of personality and ope rates according to the pleasure principle. For example, he ruled by the pleasure principle which set his personalities in motion to meet all satisfy instinctual needs and led to his drugging and alcoholism. In addition, he would say his id never matured and his actions are controlled by some unconscious behavior to be like a Shaman and live his life in acid induced trance looking for his way. His id is entirely centered on his needs and wants like sex, drugs, alcohol, and writing poetry. This drove him to fulfill all his desires at the cost of many relationships, friendship, and his life.The ego was his decision-making component of his personality and it operated according to his reality principle in which he rarely seen, because of the high amounts of drugs and alcohol in his system. His conflict caused his ego and the lines between his unconscious and reality to be distorted. Freud also would say he struggled with reality principle and the tight bond he developed after he witness a car crash in the desert. There in desert was truckload of American Indians were scatter across the ground bleeding to death and he swore the Indian Shaman’s soul jumped into his soul. This event is what led to his identity crises and his desire to consume large amount of acid to see his path of life, in a many different visions and trances (Riordan ;Prochnicky, 1991).If Jim were still alive, I would use close quarters and secure measure for substance-abuse treatment with detoxification as the first step, to help eliminate all the substances from Jim’s body and protect him from himself and others enabler’s. Followed by Freud Psychodynamic Therapy and we would try free association to get him talking about all his emotions, thoughts, and any images coming to mind (Comer, 2011). I would sign Jim into long-term inpatient treatment program combined with antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and a comprehensive substance treatment program that would help him describe his dre ams in â€Å"therapist interpretation sessions, with the three interpretations phenomena techniques’ resistance, transference, and dreams†(Comer, pg. 59, 2011).If previous treatment measure did not work, because he reacted to psychotherapy with distain and scorn as he did in probation force treatment, I would try Marsha Lineman’s â€Å"Dialectical Behavior Therapy†approach (Comer, pg. 528, 2011). In this treatment, I would be helping him to cope with his disorder. In addition, this approach will teach him to take control of his life, their emotions, and himself through self-knowledge, emotion regulation, and cognitive restructuring (Comer, 2011). One other problem we might have is he like getting high, sees no issues with it, and believes it a spiritual tradition to get high and test limits of life for his sick pleasure. I hope with the previous treatments or his continue drug use he see a vision of himself recovering and changes his ways and follows my direction to brings him to better place in life.Jim’s prognosis would depend on how willing he was to address these difficult issues. The life Jim had created for he is very demanding person. The drugs, alcohol, and sex go together with being a stage performer with borderline personality disorder. I would have made it clear that he is not being forced into treatment and is free to leave at any time, but it is highly recommended that he stay. Only Jim could have made that decision. In closing, I would have hoped to see Jim recovered and see him go after his first dream of writing poetry and films. One other important hope would have seen him rebuild his relationship with his father. REFERENCES Association, A. P. ; Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, Dsm-Iv-Tr. (Fourth edition ed. , Vol. Text revision). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Pub Inc. , 2000. Comer, C. J. Abnormal psychology. (7 ed. ). New York, NY: Worth Publishers, 2011. Feist, J. , ; Feist, G. J. Theories of personality. (7 ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2009. Hopkins, Jerry. The Lizard King: The Essential Jim Morrison. New York, Fireside, 1992. Hopkins, Jerry and Sugarman, Danny. No One Here Gets Out Alive. New York, Warner Books, 1995. Riordan, J. , ; Prochnicky, J. Break on through, the life, and death of Jim Morrison. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1994.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of Sylvia Plaths Mushrooms, Daddy And Lady Lazarus
The collection of poems, Mushrooms, Daddy and Lady Lazarus by renowned poet Sylvia Plath, all detail similar values regarding the oppressive roles of women during the 50s and 60s. The prominent themes and values within her poetry reflect her own personal encounters, thoughts, relationships and her struggles with mental health. By adopting the gender and biographical critical perspectives, it allows the audience to explore Plath’s struggles as an oppressed woman with a mental disorder allowing her to become the voice for many women and a feminist icon. Mushrooms (1960) For the entirety of Plath’s life, her world was dominated by the patriarchy, with her father and husband becoming influential figures in her life. Her experience of†¦show more content†¦However, Plath continues with ‘we shall by morning/ inherit the earth/ Our foot is in the door,’ indicating the feminist movement will rise and overcome the male dominated society. Daddy (1965) Plath is considered a confessional poet with one of her most controversial poems Daddy, detailing her relationship with her father and husband. Daddy, highlights Plath’s strained and oppressive relationship with her German father, Otto Plath, who died when Plath was young. Within the first stanza ,the lines ‘black shoe/ in which I have lived like a foot/for thirty years’ references Plath’s age whilst highlighting her personal oppressive relationship with her father. Although, the poem is directed at Plath’s father, her father becomes a patriarchal symbol of women’s oppressors particularly evident within her mocking line ‘every woman adores a fascist.’ To enhance the magnitude of her oppression she felt with her father, Plath compares him to Hitler, ‘not a god but a swastika’ and herself to a Jew, ‘I think I may well be a Jew.’ Extending the biographic aspect of the poem, Plath mentions her husband, Ted Hu ghes, metaphorically referring to him as vampire whom drank her blood for seven years - the time they had known each other. When Plath wrote Daddy, the couple had split as Hughes had an affair, thus the vampire metaphor is another symbol representing Plath’s obedient and required duties to her husband as a women. In the end,
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