Friday, December 27, 2019
Iliad Paper On Achilles And Agamemnon - 1182 Words
Iliad paper Achilles and Agamemnon are different and similar at the same time in The Iliad. The Iliad is an epic poem which was written by Homer that talks about the Trojan War between Greek and its allies and the Trojans as the result of Trojan prince Paris seduces the Spartan queen Helen, the wife of Menelaus, who is the brother of Greek king Agamemnon, the war lasts continually for many years. The Iliad not only includes the description of warriors, women, and war, but also emphasize the interference of gods and goddesses. As the main character in The Iliad, Agamemnon and Achilles look different, but they share some characteristics which are revealed by Homer while describing their behavior and speeches. Agamemnon and Achilles are different and they make different decisions while facing choices. When the old priest of Apollo, Chryses, comes to Greece to ransom his daughter, Agamemnon is being rude to the old man and says: â€Å"The god’s staff and ribbons won’t save you next time. The girl is mine, and she’ll be an old woman in Argos. Before I let her go, working the loom in my house and coming to my bed, far from her homeland,†(1. 36-39). The narrator tells us at the second page of the book that Agamemnon is a jerk and he doesn’t respect the gods. He is really rude to an old man even he plunders his daughter and the father is a priest, a representative of a superior god. He insults him and Apollo at the same time. This quote shows the rudeness and the disrespect to godsShow MoreRelatedAnger Of Achilles : The Great Warrior Achilles1250 Words  | 5 PagesAnger of Achilles â€Å"ANGER – sing, goddess, the anger of Achilles son of Peleus, that accursed anger, which brought the Greeks endless sufferings and sent the mighty souls of many warriors to Hades, leaving their bodies as carrion for the dogs and a feast for the birds; and Zeus’s purpose was fulfilled. It all began when Agamemnon lord of men and godlike Achilles quarrelled and parted†(Iliad 4). 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