Thursday, December 19, 2019

The United States And The Cold War Essay - 1614 Words

When there is different ideological, political and economic interest, true coalitions between powers do not subsist, in the cessation, one endeavors to impose itself on the other regardless of the arguments and strategies that they utilize and the time that they involve them. This was a conflict between the United States of America, and the Soviet Union Socialist Republicans, and the countries that allied themselves to one side or the other. Although for most the cold war commences after the terminus of World War II, it is liable to have its inchoation’s long afore the First World War. In general, a cold war is a state of perpetual conflict where there is no direct military intervention, but actions are taken strategically, politically and economically (plus sabotage and other indirect denotes); From this perspective there have been historically different cold wars, but in verbalizing of this I’m referring to the conflict that I will relate in this essay. After World W ar II, the United States and the Soviet Union were the world’s most vigorous nations. They were called superpowers. They had different conceptions about economics and regime. They fought a war of conceptions called the Cold War. The Soviet Union was a communist country. In communism, the regime controls production and resources. It decides where people live and work. The United States is a capitalist country. In capitalism, people and businesses control the production of goods, people decide where they resideShow MoreRelatedThe Cold War : The United States1172 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War was a significant time for the United States and the Soviet Union, while the rest of the world watched intently. Although no actual war took place, both of these powerful countries did their best to promote their political and ideological ideas while trying to gain some ground in the seemingly never ending arms race. 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